[11/29/2000] New Message Boards |
I need people to help me test the new message boards, start using them now please. Go to the current members board for details. Added a new website with a new hosting company..Lemme know how it works out. New Website! |
Shaleigh |
[11/26/2000] Calendar / Updates |
I will be moving the website soon to a new location, on its own server, doing this will enable the ability to use CGI Scripts, etc, that will really help to organize the site. I'm adding a calendar to the site, this is not the final calendar, but one that will help organize events for the time being. Please E-Mail me any events that should be added to the calendar at chris5042@yahoo.com . Finally, don't wear that poor old Fear Plane out :) |
Shaleigh |
[11/05/2000] Venril Sathir Slain! |
After the first attempt being a wash out by an early aggro, Divine, with help of Omani, Phantom Raiders, and many others called in more enforcements ex: Wizards. All were ready for the Iksar. When the call was done we all rushed his lair and slayed the foul Iksar. It was a short and sweet fight. Only one death by Johnnyx who took one for the team. All and all was a great raid. The loots were as followed: Singing Steel Greaves won by Shaleigh, and the Necromancer Staff (yet to be awarded) nor do I have a link to the stats. Congratulations to all, screenshots of this event was posted in the screenshot section. |
[11/02/2000] Congratulations to Aphyd! |
I'm sorry that I have not updated the page for a long time, but I have been very busy... On the bright side, our very own Aphyd finished her Rogue Epic Quest!!! Her reward, of course, is the Ragebringer. We hope to see many more epic quests being completed (not to mention Shrade has already completed his Enchanter Epic Quest). Good luck everyone! |
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